Fake News – What can we do about it?

80% of middle schoolers mistake sponsored content for real news 3 in 4 students can’t distinguish between real and fake news on Facebook Fewer than 1 in 3 students are skeptical of biased news sources (ISTE Fake News Infographic 2017) As educators, what can we do to make sure our students are not counted as … read more »

International Museum Day, Let’s Go For a Virtual Visit!

May 18 is International Museum Day; however, not everyone has access to a museum to visit. So what do you do? Take a virtual visit, of course! If you read Ruth Okoye’s recent blog on virtual field trips you already have lots of ideas with places to visit and how to make the most of … read more »

Teen Talk: Promoting Healthy Self-Esteem in School

May 1st marks the start of National Teen Self-Esteem Month. Adolescent mental health and the social-emotional well-being of our students is something educators face daily. More frequently (thank goodness!), this topic is being brought to the forefront of many school districts. In my near 15 years in the public school system, I witnessed a transition … read more »

Make the Most of Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day is April 25 and this year’s theme is Workforce Development for All. The program celebrates its 26th anniversary this year and provides learning opportunities for millions of parents, students, employees, and workplaces. Learn more about the theme at the home page for the Take Our Daughters … read more »