Let’s Talk About: Edtech Tools for Community Engagement

Edtech tools can be a great way to strengthen connection, participation, and involvement within a school community. It is important in this time of “viral information” and storytelling for educators to contribute to the dialog about education.  They also need to provide a window into the classroom for their community. Years ago, what happened in … read more »

What’s the Buzz: Instructional Scaffolding for Technology Integrated Lessons

Instructional scaffolding is a support structure that good teachers use all of the time.  We design lessons in a number of ways to encourage students as they try to attain the lesson’s goals. Scaffolding lessons requires additional effort during the planning phase.  The extra preparation affords you the opportunity to take on the role of facilitator during … read more »

Last Minute Digital Learning Day No-Tech Resources…You Can Do This!

It never fails! It is Digital Learning Day; you’ve planned your lessons and excitement is building for all of your well thought out activities implementing technology. You prepared carefully, making sure websites work, student passwords and logins are readily available, nothing is forgotten. Then what happens? The internet is down for the day, smart boards … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: MySciLife

Cast your imagination out and think about what it would be like to LIVE as a cell or a tsunami or a liver. This month’s tech tool encourages students to think about this type of question. MySciLife is a free social learning platform, created for grades 6-9. Participation is entirely FREE, and MySciLife offers educators … read more »

Bringing Historical Events Alive In Your Classroom with Primary Sources

On February 19, 1942, FDR signed Executive Order 9066 which paved the way for Japanese internment camps. Teaching sensitive and complicated topics like this one is made easier with the use of primary sources. In this article entitled Teaching Difficult Topics with Primary Sources from the National Council of the Social Studies journal Social Education, … read more »