4 Sites for Using Trade Books in the Classroom

Do you use trade books in your classroom? Research has proven the many benefits of using trade books for instruction. This article from Scholastic features literary successes achieved by providing students with a variety of diverse reading material. Everyone agrees that using a wide variety of reading materials is good practice. However, this provides some … read more »

Teaching Tolerance

Genuine tolerance does not mean ignoring differences as if differences made no difference. Genuine tolerance means engaging differences within a bond of civility and respect. RICHARD JOHN NEUHAUS Merriam Webster Dictionary defines tolerance as “the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular, the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Class123

The New Year always brings new opportunities, new inspiration, and a new time for self-reflection. If your goals include delving deeper into classroom management strategies and tools, Class123 (TeachersFirst review) is a site that you won’t want to miss. The Tech Tool of the Month for January offers basic classroom management tools for grades K-6, … read more »