Continuing Beyond the Hour of Code to Extend Computer Science Instruction

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Were you among the over 200,000 educators worldwide participating in the Hour of Code this year? This fabulous annual event provides information and inspiration for students of all ages to engage with coding, with no experience required. The benefits of coding and understanding computer science are well documented. Of all projected new jobs in STEM … read more »

Women as Leaders: Eleanor Roosevelt Biography Project

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“I have spent many years of my life in opposition, and I rather like the role.” Eleanor Roosevelt In his March 2021 newsletter, Vivek Gambhir shared eight crucial lessons we can learn from successful women leaders. Although the article focuses on women’s leadership during the pandemic, the lessons learned relate to women as leaders in … read more »

Choice Boards for the Classroom

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Over 20 years ago, as a new teacher, I struggled to grade 28 submissions for each assignment I gave my students. Finally, I realized that I had a choice to make. Do I continue with a one size fits all approach to learning in my classroom, or do I place more responsibility in the hands … read more »

Lewis and Clark’s Discovery Expedition

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“Amazing the things you find when you bother to search for them.” Sacagawea Two hundred and fifteen years ago, on September 22, 1806, Lewis and Clark arrived in St Charles, MO—their last stop before reaching their final destination of St. Louis, ending the first recorded overland journey from the Mississippi River to the Pacific coast … read more »

International Day of Peace

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The International Day of Peace, established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly, is celebrated worldwide every September 21. This year’s theme is “End racism. Build peace.”  International Day of Peace provides a powerful opportunity to engage youth in diverse peace-related activities that can inspire them to make a positive difference in their world. … read more »