If the World Were a Village

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April is Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month.  The Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (JPBM) created this effort to build awareness of the importance of math and statistics in addressing real world problems like immigration and climate change. Even our youngest students understand statistics when we use age-appropriate lessons such as this one from the National Council of … read more »

Empowering Students; the Classroom as Library

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While the month of April brings thoughts of spring showers and May flowers, for this school librarian, April reminds me of National Library Week  and its companion, School Library Month. I love the fact that there is a special time of the year dedicated to libraries. You don’t have to convince Americans that their libraries are important. Over … read more »

TeachersFirst Special Topics Collections

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If you are a frequent user of TeachersFirst, you know our site contains an amazing amount of information and resources. A quick look at the home page shows a calendar, news and updates, search, TeachersFirst Edge resources, and Featured Sites. But that’s just the beginning; the home page also links to Classroom Ready-to-Go and a … read more »

Being Resourceful Part Four: Invisible Web of Educational Materials

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The invisible web is a world of resources not available using conventional search engines. Last month we looked at databases of information found behind paywalls, but often accessible with a library card. Now let’s investigate some sites that are freely available, but take some knowledge and instruction to use. A great place to start is … read more »