Using Microsoft Tools for Authentic Assessment

It’s important for 21st-century classroom teachers to consider how to include authentic assessments in their classrooms. Authentic assessments provide a valuable alternative to traditional assessments and allow students to practically and meaningfully demonstrate their knowledge and skills by incorporating real-world contexts and tasks. Authentic assessments emphasize critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity rather than relying … read more »

Exploring Nature’s Treasures: How National Parks Enrich Classroom Learning

“Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.”  Frank Lloyd Wright As educators, we strive to create engaging and impactful learning experiences for our students that connects them to the real world. While classroom instruction plays a crucial role, the world beyond the school walls offers invaluable opportunities for growth … read more »

Using Retrieval Practice to Boost Student Learning

Retrieval Practice is a learning strategy that involves recalling information as a tool to improve learning and retention. First discussed by Hermann Ebbinghaus in his 1885 book Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology, a more recent book, Retrieval Practice by Kate Jones, explores classroom applications and methods to use retrieval practice to boost student learning. … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Book Lovers Day

As we approach Book Lovers Day, an occasion to celebrate our shared passion for literature, it’s the perfect time to ignite the love for books in our students. In this digital age, where distractions are aplenty, let’s take this opportunity to unplug and immerse ourselves in the world of literature. Here are five ideas on … read more »

From Wonder to Wisdom: Igniting Inquiry-Based Research in Your Classroom

According to the American Association of School Librarians, inquiry-based research is “a student-centered approach to learning which naturally utilizes higher order thinking, problem-solving, and information processing via questioning.” Inquiry-based research is student-directed, involves critical thinking and problem-solving, creates new knowledge, and involves open-ended questioning and basic research skills. Bringing inquiry-based research into your classroom will … read more »