Let’s Talk About: African Americans and the Vote

Each year the Association for the Study of African American History (ASALH) announces a theme for Black History Month. The theme serves as a spotlight for historical issues and developments that are important for race relations in America.  ASALH encourages those with interest in black history to use the month of February as a time … read more »

Enhance Your Social Studies Curriculum with Podcasts

“Social studies is like the lima beans on the curricular plate of the elementary student’s day”  Paul Fitchett Wow! Just think about the above quote and how depressing that sounds. It came from an article on the Hechinger Report website titled “How social studies can help young kids make sense of the world.” The article … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: TES Blendspace Part 2

In Part 1 of this blog, you were introduced to TES Blendspace. This free tool allows you to create interactive, online lessons. Yesterday we shared an overview of the tool. We also discussed the application of both the SAMR model and the TRIPLE E Frameworks as you integrate TES Blendspace into your instruction. Today’s post … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Ada Lovelace

This week teachers all over the globe will have students participate in the “Hour Of Code” – an introduction to computer science.  There are many ways to participate, both on and offline.  Participating in coding activities helps students to develop computational thinking.  According to Wikipedia, computational thinking is “a set of problem-solving methods that involve … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Story Maker

Story Maker is a simple digital storytelling tool for elementary students to write a story. Students can practice their writing skills, add color, add additional pages, and then save (or print) when finished. Story Maker is part of the ABCya site, offering countless free web games, interactives, and learning experiences.   Grade level Story Maker … read more »