Save Time & Enhance Learning: A Guide to Time-Saving Resources on TeachersFirst

TeachersFirst offers many helpful free resources created and curated for educators by educators. Are you familiar with our OK2Ask workshops that cover timely topics to contribute to your professional learning goals? Do you use the TeachersFirst calendar to find resources for upcoming holidays and events? Have you discovered our special topics collections that save time … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Google My Maps – Part 2

Part 1 of this blog introduced you to Google My Maps and discussed applying the SAMR Model and the Triple E Framework to using it in your instruction. Today’s post offers detailed instructions for this tool and ideas for using it in the classroom.  Google My Maps:  The main page shares essential information about making … read more »

Picture This: Using AI Tools to Bring Concepts to Life

Educators are embracing artificial intelligence (AI) for many purposes: to increase productivity, enhance lessons, and engage students in the learning process. The number of resources and tools has grown tremendously in the past year, and additional tools appear almost daily. A quick look at TeachersFirst resources with the artificial intelligence tag reveals dozens of resources … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Do I Have a Right? – Part 1

iCivics’s Do I Have a Right? is an immersive role-playing experience designed to help students deepen their understanding of constitutional law. During the game, students assume the role of a lawyer establishing their own legal firm and get an opportunity to apply legal principles to real-life situations. Players delve into the intricacies of constitutional amendments … read more »

3 Cool Tools for Read a New Book Month

If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book. J. K. Rowling Read a New Book Month (December) offers a great chance to increase students’ enthusiasm about reading. Let’s explore three cool tools you can use to help students choose a book that will fit their interests and suggest some ways they … read more »