Let’s Talk About: 5 Free Ideas for Teacher Appreciation

  Teacher Appreciation week is right around the corner.  Every administrator agrees they value the faithful teachers who work alongside them. With a limited budget, it can be difficult to demonstrate how much. I thought it might be helpful to suggest five free ideas as with no cost and a little effort we can make sure … read more »

Virtual Field Trips for Arbor Day

National Arbor Day is celebrated the last Friday in April each year. Local Arbor Day celebrations differ by state; many states observe this holiday at the best time for planting trees in their part of the country. For example, Maine observes the holiday on the third full week of May while South Carolina’s observation is … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Book Creator

April brings us many celebrations related to writing: National Poetry Month, National Library Week, Poem in Your Pocket Day, World Book and Copyright Day, and more. What better time to feature a cool writing tool. The tech tool of the month is Book Creator; a tool for all ages to create beautiful digital stories! Book … read more »

Let’s Continue the Conversation: Virtual Collaboration in the Classroom

If you caught last Thursday’s bi-weekly OK2Ask Twitter Chat (see the archive here), you know we chatted all things virtual collaboration.  Let’s delve a little deeper into this topic and continue the conversation. Regardless if you’re a new or seasoned educator, you’ve surely been bombarded with the importance of a collaborative learning space.  Collaboration is … read more »

Discover the U.S. Patent Office for Kids

Did you know that many of the very first government departments, established by our first President, George Washington, remain in place today? On April 10, 1790, just under a year after his inauguration, President Washington signed a bill placing the foundation for our current patent system. This law, for the first time, gave the rights … read more »