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CodePen - CodePen
7 to 12tag(s): coding (89), collaboration (94), computational thinking (41), computers (110), critical thinking (121), problem solving (225), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Share the weekly challenges with students as an opportunity to learn and develop coding skills. Ask students to work together using "pens" to develop projects. Provide coding lessons in real time using CodePen and ask students to follow along and ask questions during the demonstration. Encourage students to include their work when creating portfolios using about.me, reviewed here by embedding their presentations and discussing the skills used.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Replit - Replit, Inc.
8 to 12tag(s): artificial intelligence (161), coding (89), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Use Replit to create simple tests, review student work, and provide feedback. Share Replit with students who enjoy coding as a resource for learning new skills and increasing their understanding of different coding platforms. Use Replit as part of an after-school club activity for students to collaborate to create games, applications, and more. Ask students who work with Replit to provide tutorials and share their projects by creating videos made with Free Online Screen Recorder, reviewed here and share on your class website.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CodeGuppy - CodeGuppy
6 to 12In the Classroom
Coding is an excellent way to teach critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Use this site as homework, a center, or a lab setting. The site offers different learning opportunities, so differentiation is built in. Explain to students that coding is a critical skill in today's world filled with technology and will also be a valuable skill in the job market. Many jobs that will require coding do not yet exist. Put a link to this tool on your class website, blog, or wiki. Encourage advanced students to share their knowledge with peers by creating tutorials using Free Online Screen Recorder, reviewed here. Although the Draw with Code book provides ideas to use with the Hour of Code in mind, it provides many different activities for students to complete throughout the year. Use a different page weekly to try their hand at coding or share with students to complete at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Bee-Bot Online - Terrapin
K to 3tag(s): coding (89), computational thinking (41), critical thinking (121), problem solving (225), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Include Bee-Bot Online as part of a computer center activity to encourage students to code and develop critical thinking skills. Have students use a screen recorder such as Free Screen Recorder Online, reviewed here, to record both successful and unsuccessful attempts and share with their classmates. Be sure to share a link to Bee-Bot Online on your class website and in newsletters for students to access at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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MakeCode Arcade - Microsoft
4 to 12tag(s): coding (89), computers (110), game based learning (186), Microsoft (80), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Use Microsoft Arcade to introduce coding to both new and experienced coders. Share some ideas from the site on an interactive whiteboard (or with a projector), then have students experiment on their own. Encourage students who are comfortable with coding to become classroom experts and explain ideas to other students. Enhance their learning by asking them to make recordings using ScreenPal, reviewed here, to share tips, and demonstrate different features of coding. Use this tool with gifted students for a great challenge. Set up a coding activity center for interested students when they finish classwork or for rainy days and snow days. Share this link on your class website for students to access both in and out of the classroom.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Construct3 - Construct.net
6 to 12tag(s): coding (89), game based learning (186), gamification (80), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Include Construct3 with your other options for teaching coding to students. Take advantage of the included levels to differentiate learning based on knowledge of coding. If you are uncomfortable with coding, enlist students to become technology coaches in your classroom to teach and share their knowledge with others. Use and share Google Forms to create how-to guides for students to get started including images with tips and suggestions. Ask "in-the-know" students to enhance their learning and create one-page websites using Jimdo, reviewed here, sharing advice for individual games included in Construct3. As students become familiar with coding, have them use FlexClip, reviewed here, to extend their learning by creating simple explainer videos detailing how to build and share personalized games.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Blockly - Google
4 to 12tag(s): coding (89), computers (110), game based learning (186), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Use Blockly as an interesting way to introduce coding to your class for beginners and experienced coders. Display Blockly on your interactive whiteboard or projector as you explore the different features of the site, then have students create and explore on their own. To generate ideas on how to use Blockly, have students practice using Blockly at Blockly Games, reviewed here. After school clubs can use Blockly to learn to code. Use this tool with gifted students for a great challenge. Set up a coding activity center for interested students when they finish class work or for rainy days and snow days. Share this link on your class website for students to access both in and out of the classroom.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Choice of Games - Choice of Games LLC
6 to 12tag(s): coding (89), creative writing (123), DAT device agnostic tool (146), gamification (80), interactive stories (20), STEM (287), writing (324)
In the Classroom
Introduce this site to your students on an interactive whiteboard or with a projector and explore one or two of the games together. Create a short story together to learn about how to use the different story-writing options. As students begin creating games using this site, consider having students create explainer videos to enhance their learning using CapCut, reviewed here, and to demonstrate tools that need a more detailed explanation than what is on the site. Have students create stories to show what they have learned about literature, geography, history, science concepts, and more. As a more "serious" approach, use Choice of Games to present opinion pieces where you take a position and allow readers to click on questions about it. They could also click on statements expressing opposing views so you can write counterarguments to their points. This idea could end up being a powerful way to present an argument and evidence as required by Common Core writing standards. Extend student learning by having them include their text-based game as part of a collaborative multi-media presentation created using Sway, reviewed here. In addition to their game, ask students to include their written documents, images, and video creations.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Elementari - Nicole Kang and David Li
3 to 12tag(s): coding (89), creative writing (123), digital storytelling (154), writing (324)
In the Classroom
You may want to start by clicking Help on the upper right menu. There you will find directions for Creating and Coding, Interactive Lessons, Classroom Dashboard, and others. Create stories together as a class as you move through a unit or topic. Enhance student learning by adding ideas your students suggest. Use in a flipped or blended classroom to deliver course information. Assign several student groups a different topic and extend their learning by having each group create their own version as they learn more about the topic. Challenge gifted students to modify the "standard" class text with the additional material they discover by going deeper and learning about related topics. In lower grades, create teacher-made digital stories for students to use as a learning tool.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Microsoft Visual Studio - Microsoft
6 to 12tag(s): coding (89), computers (110), design (81), logic (162), Microsoft (80), problem solving (225)
In the Classroom
Share Microsoft Visual with students interested in computer coding. Have students sign up for training that meets their interests. Transform classroom technology use by encouraging students to design apps that help fellow students and others in your school. For example, design an app for tracking assignments or an app for collaborating on school projects.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Sploder - Geoff P. Gaudreault
5 to 12tag(s): coding (89), game based learning (186), gamification (80)
In the Classroom
Show Sploder to students who love to play games as an excellent source for creating their own games. Ask them to create educational games for classroom topics such as identifying parts of speech or multiples of numbers. Share a link to games on your class website for review.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Kodu Game Lab - Microsoft Research
3 to 12tag(s): coding (89), game based learning (186), gamification (80), makerspace (43), Microsoft (80)
In the Classroom
Have students work in teams to design and develop content demonstrating an understanding of lessons in any subject area. Begin sharing Kodu with your computer experts who are interested in programming. Allow them to be the leaders in sharing how to use and personalize the program. Enhance their learning by asking them to create game creation tutorial screencasts using Screencast-o-matic, reviewed here, to share with their peers. Use Kodu as part of an after-school computer club. Be sure to take advantage of the resources section of Kodu for tips and tutorials on using the program.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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RobotBasic - John Blankenship
6 to 12In the Classroom
Share RobotBasic with students interested in computer programming. Ask proficient programmers to be the "experts" and share how-to activities with other students. Have your experts create short Typito, reviewed here, and share them using a tool such as SchoolTube, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CodeChef for Schools - Directi
8 to 12tag(s): coding (89), competitions (10), computational thinking (41), computers (110), critical thinking (121), problem solving (225), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Coding is an excellent way to teach critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Use this site as homework, a center, or in a lab setting. The site offers different levels, so differentiation is built in. Explain to students that coding is a critical skill in today's world filled with technology and will also be a valuable skill in the job market. Many jobs that will require coding do not yet exist. Put a link to this tool on your class website, blog, or wiki. Encourage advanced students to enter the monthly competitions offered on CodeChef.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Flappy Code - Code Studio
K to 12tag(s): coding (89), computational thinking (41), computers (110), critical thinking (121), game based learning (186), gamification (80), logic (162)
In the Classroom
Use Flappy Code as an interesting way to introduce coding to your class. Display Flappy Code on your interactive whiteboard or projector as you progress through the steps to code a game, then have students create and explore on their own. After school clubs and activities can use Flappy Code to learn to code. Use this tool with gifted students for a great challenge. Set up a coding activity center for interested students when they finish class work or for rainy days and snow days. Share this link on your class website for students to access both in and out of the classroom.Comments
This resource would be engaging for students just learning how to code.Melissa, , Grades: 0 - 5
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Google CS First - Google
5 to 9tag(s): animation (64), coding (89), computational thinking (41), critical thinking (121), digital storytelling (154), gamification (80), musical notation (33), problem solving (225), social media (53), sports (81), stories and storytelling (52)
In the Classroom
Create a club in your classroom as part of your STEM activities, as a lunch/recess club, or an at-home activity for students. Use the flyers and presentation materials provided to create interest in the club. Differentiate clubs by student interests and abilities. Share Google CS First with your school's media or tech leader as an excellent resource for teaching coding. This site is perfect for those who want to learn more about coding, but have some hesitancy since all materials from creating a group through the lessons are free. If you still have some doubts, enlist the services of a tech-savvy high school student to help with activities as part of their volunteering requirements.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Pencil Code Gym - David Bau
K to 12tag(s): coding (89), computational thinking (41), critical thinking (121), digital storytelling (154), drawing (61), geometric shapes (135), musical notation (33), problem solving (225)
In the Classroom
Create a link on classroom computers for use as centers. Use the text options for students to use with digital storytelling. This site is perfect for differentiating different levels of coding skills. Allow students to explore at their own pace, then share their creations with classmates. Extend learning by challenging students or groups to create videos explaining their creations using Adobe Creative Cloud Express Video Maker, reviewed here, and share them on a site such as TeacherTube, reviewed here. Be sure to add a link to your class website for students to practice at home.Comments
Great resource for all ages, more appropriate for middle school and above.Melissa, , Grades: 0 - 5
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MathScienceMusic - Theolonius Monk Institute of Jaz
K to 12tag(s): angles (51), animation (64), brain (56), coding (89), fractions (158), geometric shapes (135), india (27), multiples (15), music theory (45), musical instruments (49), musical notation (33), numbers (119), patterns (62), preK (267), ratios (46), sound (72)
In the Classroom
Share activities from MathScienceMusic on your interactive whiteboard with students, then let them explore independently. Scratch Jazz is perfect for teaching basic coding; students interested in music will enjoy creating their own jazz-themed project using the site's tutorial. Add interest to math lessons by taking advantage of the free lesson plans. Be sure to check out the link to Math and Music Standards found on the music and math curriculum page. Have students modify their learning by creating videos of their music creations using moovly, reviewed here and share them on a site such as TeacherTube, reviewed here. Be sure to have them discuss their journey from the beginning through the final creation of their project. Team up with your school's music teacher to collaborate on the many activities provided on this site.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Robo Boogie - Code Club & Nesta
6 to 12tag(s): coding (89), computational thinking (41), computers (110), critical thinking (121), engineering (127), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Demonstrate how to use this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Show students how to switch back and forth between Code Mode and toolbars. Ask one student to change a dance move and other students to adjust the code to match the change. After school clubs and activities can use Robo Boogie to learn to code. Use this tool with gifted students for an interesting challenge. Set up a coding activity center for interested students when they finish class work or for rainy days and snow days. Share this link on your class website for students to access both in and out of the classroom.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CodeHS - Jeremy Keeshin & Zach Galant
6 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): classroom management (124), coding (89), computers (110), critical thinking (121), problem solving (225)
In the Classroom
Coding is an excellent way to teach critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Use this site as homework, a center, or in a lab setting. The course is self-paced, so differentiation is easy. Explain to students that coding is a critical skill in today's world filled with technology and will also be a valuable skill in the job market. Many jobs that will require coding do not yet exist. Put a link to this tool on your class website, blog, or wiki.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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