Let’s Talk About Spoken Word Poetry

TeachersFirst®️ hosts a book study at least twice a year – a deep dive into integrating technology in the classroom. We are currently studying Michelle Eaton’s The Perfect Blend and discussing how to create blended learning experiences while teaching remotely. This week, we’ve discussed several roadblocks – student motivation, simulating different spaces, and lesson organization. … read more »

Career and Technical Education Month

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month is a public awareness campaign that takes place during February. The goal is to raise awareness of the value of CTE and celebrate the accomplishments of career programs and support provided by schools across the country.  This infographic on the Association for Career and Technical Education’s (ACTE) website provides an … read more »

Differentiation for the School Librarian

Differentiating instruction is defined as “shaking up” what goes on in the classroom so that students have multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and expressing what they learn” according to Carol Ann Tomlinson. This can be achieved through a process called Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The UDL process emphasizes representation … read more »

Are You Encouraging Curiosity in Your Classroom?

Children are curious by nature. How many times have you heard parents comment on the number of questions asked daily by two- and three-year-olds? Why is the sky blue? Why do I have to go to bed? That’s how young children learn about the world around them. As children grow past the toddler stage, it … read more »

3 Must-Have Resources for National Family Literacy Day

“No skill is more crucial to the future of a child than literacy.” Los Angeles Times November 1st kicks off Family Literacy Month with National Family Literacy Day. These events highlight the importance of family literacy programs. Typical activities include inviting family members to the school to read to students, book drives, celebrity readers, and … read more »