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TED-Ed Clubs - Lessons Worth Sharing - TEDEd
4 to 12tag(s): problem solving (407), critical thinking (186), logic (326), collaboration (121), creativity (186),
In the Classroom
Facilitate a TED-Ed Club to promote problem-solving skills and creative thinking in any subject. Challenge students to pursue ideas of interest to them in the classroom. Create a club as an after-school activity for like-minded students, or as enrichment for gifted learners. TED-Ed Club provides an outlet for some quieter students with interests other than what is offered in the curriculum, encourage these students to share their interests and passions through the guidelines provided in the clubs.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Loom - Vinay Hiremath
K to 12tag(s): video (457),
In the Classroom
Download and install Loom on classroom computers using Chrome. Have students make screen recordings to share how to use websites or software with their peers. Enhance learning by asking students to create a recording to demonstrate where to find information on a website, or point out specific areas of difficulty when working on a computer. Share a link to videos you create on your website to demonstrate specific instructions on finding information on the computer or how to get started on a computer game. Although only available in Chrome at the time of this review, Loom states that it is working on making the download available for other browsers in the future.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Free Online Screen Recorder - AceThinker
K to 12tag(s): communication (166), tutorials (85), video (457),
In the Classroom
Any subject area teacher can use this tool to record instructions for using websites. Share how to solve problems, step by step directions for any project, and much more. Leave a video message for a substitute teacher or even your class! Create a video message for parents about current projects, clips from field trips, and more. Put a link to your recording on your class website for students to view at home. Demonstrate how to use this tool for students with a projector or interactive whiteboard, then have them record questions they have when using websites or online programs.Comments
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Awesome ScreenShot - Awesome ScreenShot
2 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): blended learning (38), editing (140), drawing (135), tutorials (85), images (487), video (457),
In the Classroom
Use this tool anytime you need to edit photos for use on class blogs, wikis, or in presentation tools. In primary grades, this tool can be useful for teachers to use to edit pictures from a field trip, science experiments, and more. Share the editing process with younger students using an interactive whiteboard or projector. Edit together! Encourage older students to use this site themselves on images for projects or presentations. Use this tool in photography or art classes. Use the editor to edit pictures to fit styles of pictures when doing historical reports or to set a mood. Use text options for the photos themselves to tell the stories. Have students annotate or label Creative Commons online images of cells, structures of an animal, and much more. Beef up your blended learning arsenal by creating screenshots showing how to do various computer tasks or navigate websites, and posting them on your website so students can also watch them at home. Demonstrate how to use a website or software for specific tasks within the classroom. Make how-to demos for instructions on using and navigating your class home page, class wiki or blog, or other applications you wish the students to use in creating their own projects. By labeling how students should navigate through a certain site or section, you can eliminate confusion, provide an opportunity for students to review the information as a refresher for the future, and maintain a record for absent students thus extending your blended learning class. Social studies teachers could assign students to critique a political candidate's web page using a screenshot. Reading/language arts teachers could have student teams analyze a website to show biased language, etc. Math teachers using software such as Geometer's Sketchpad could have students create their own demonstrations of geometry concepts as a review (and to save as future learning aids). As a service project, have students create "how to screenshots" to help elderly or less tech savvy computer users navigate the web, register to vote, or find important health information.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Text2VoiceOver - ResponsiveVoice
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): communication (166), video (457), text to speech (34),
In the Classroom
Use Text2VoiceOver to add comments and instructions to any YouTube video (or your own video) your students view. Share specific tips, ask questions, or add additional details to content. Have students create a voiceover to share their thoughts on a video, or ask questions to clarify content.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Podcast Generator - Alberto Betella
1 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): blended learning (38), podcasts (130), video (457), communication (166),
In the Classroom
Create regular or special podcasts to share on your class web page or wiki. Create a mini gallery of images taken during a lab or a portfolio of images from photography, art, or any other class. Add music and share as part of a digital portfolio. Looking for even more ideas? Use this tool in your blended or flipped classroom to record class assignments or directions. Record story time or a reading excerpt for younger ones to listen to at a computer center AND from home, adding a touch of blended learning to your classroom! Have readers (perhaps older buddies) build fluency by recording selected passages for your non-readers. Launch a service project for your fifth or sixth graders to record stories for the kindergarten to use in their reading and listening center. Challenge students to create "you are there" recordings as "eyewitnesses" to historical or current events. Make a weekly class podcast, with students taking turns writing and sharing the "Class News," encourage students to create radio advertisements for concepts studied in class (Buy Dynamic DNA!). Invite students to write and record their own stories or poetry in dramatic readings. Language students or beginning readers could record their fluency by reading passages. Allow parents to hear their child's progress reading aloud, etc. Compare world language, speech articulation, or reading fluency at two points during the year. Challenge your Shakespeare students to record a soliloquy. Write and record a poem for Father's or Mother's Day (or other special events) and send the URL as a gift to that special person.If you have gifted students who lean toward the dramatic, this tool is simple enough for them to create dramatic mini casts without needing a video camera. Have students upload their own images and write a drama to accompany them, showing what they have learned in independent learning beyond the regular curriculum.
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Animaker - Srinivasa Raghavan
6 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): video (457), movies (112), animation (103), creativity (186),
In the Classroom
Animaker now allows 2 teachers to share 25 students, 3 groups, and has an in app messenger. Use this tool easily in your Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) or blended classroom since all students will be able to access it for free, no matter what device they have, using the internet and their is no downloading apps. Students will need the basic understanding of how to create using this tool. Work together on your interactive whiteboard to create a class video before assigning to students. Use Animaker to extend student learning and technology use by making commercials, science fair previews, infographics, and animated shorts in any content area. Have students make "advertisements" for an organism or a literary character. Make a travel commercial for a country being studied or for cultural sites in a world language class. Be sure to share the presentations on your projector or interactive whiteboard.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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ClipGrab - ClipGrab.org
K to 12tag(s): video (457), movies (112), conversions (51),
In the Classroom
Use this service to backup your videos from YouTube and other sites. Use to download and save videos at home that you wish to show to students, especially if the school or district blocks them. Users must be able to find, copy, and paste the URL of the video to be downloaded. Once the program starts, you will be prompted to save it. If you want to use the video at school, you would save it to a USB stick. No registration or login is required. This should primarily be a teacher resource. If using with students, discuss appropriate and inappropriate uses of the technology as well as choosing necessary videos.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Playbuzz - Shaul Olmert and Tom Pachys
9 to 12tag(s): DAT device agnostic tool (248), trivia (30), video (457), flash cards (74), quiz (131), polls and surveys (91),
In the Classroom
Share Playbuzz with students to create interactive classroom content. Have students create polls for favorite characters in books, use the Video Snaps tool to share significant portions of a video, or use Flip Cards in place of traditional flash cards. Create interactive content for your classroom lessons including trivia to introduce new lessons or create a Gallery Quiz to match images to clues. The possibilities are as unlimited as your imagination and those of your students!Edge Features:
Parent permission advised before posting student work created using this tool
Includes Interaction w general public/ public galleries with unmoderated content
Requires registration/log-in (WITH email)
Products can be embedded
Products can be shared by URL
Multiple users can collaborate on the same project
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Animatron - Dmitry Skavish
K to 12tag(s): video (457), movies (112), multimedia (101), slides (103), animation (103),
In the Classroom
Challenge older students to create their own Animatrons. Students can use Animatron to share their ideas or to "prototype" an idea. Students can create videos to show math processes, explanations of complex concepts, review new learning, teach others, explain scientific processes, tell stories, or present research. Flip your classroom using Animatron presentations. Use Animatron to create teacher-authored animations for students in ANY grade. Animatron is an excellent way to present new information or ideas for discussion. It is an easy way to prepare information for the class when a substitute is coming. Share Animatron creations on your website or blog for students to review at home. Use an Animatron video on the first day of school to explain class rules or give an exciting introduction to the year ahead. Use Animatron to create movies or presentations for back-to-school night or conference nights to display on your interactive whiteboard or with a projector. Teacher-librarians can ask students to create Animatron book reviews to share kiosk style in the library/media center.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CamStudio - Free Screen Streaming Software - CamStudio
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): video (457),
In the Classroom
Use CamStudio to record instructions for using websites. Share how to perform problems, step by step directions for any project, and much more. Leave a video message for a substitute teacher or even the class! Create a video message to share with parents about current projects, clips from field trips, and more. Share on your class website for students to view at home. Allow students to record a video sharing their favorite websites or tips for solving math problems.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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MoocNote - MoocNote.com
6 to 12tag(s): video (457), note taking (65), organizational skills (206),
In the Classroom
Be sure to view the Help link the bottom of the page for directions about how to use MoocNote. Share YouTube playlists with students using MoocNotes, add questions or additional information for student viewing. Only registered members can access your videos so that each student will need his own account. Another option is to set up a single teacher account and have all the students use the class login to avoid safety concerns. They could add their own information by including their code-name on notes. This tool would be perfect for adding student accountability to the flipped or blended classroom!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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SRecorder - SRecorder Company
K to 12tag(s): video (457),
In the Classroom
Use SRecorder to record instructions for using websites. Share how to perform problems, step by step directions for any project, and much more. Leave a video message for your substitute teacher or even your class! Create a video message to share with parents about current projects, clips from field trips, and more. Share on your class website for students to view at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Acclaim - Aksel Gongor, MyAcclaim, LLC
6 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): video (457), teaching strategies (56),
In the Classroom
Acclaim is a terrific tool for any teacher who likes to show and discuss certain aspects of videos in class. No more talking over the video or pausing to ask a question or make a comment. Use Acclaim in class to pause and have the discussion questions visible from the video. This works exceptionally well if you're in a blended classroom or want to flip a lesson and have students watch the video from home and be prepared to discuss in class, or if you use stations in your classroom. Students can also put in questions for clarification at the time they are watching. Share Acclaim with research groups for uploading documents and videos they are thinking of using in presentations and projects. Physical education teachers will find Acclaim useful to pause and review certain aspects of a game or exercise you've recorded. Share the URL via email or post to your website or blog.Edge Features:
Includes an education-only area for teachers and students
Parent permission advised before posting student work created using this tool
Includes social features, such as "friends," comments, ratings by others
Requires registration/log-in (WITH email)
Premium version (not free) includes additional features or storage
Products can be shared by URL
Multiple users can collaborate on the same project
Includes teacher tools for registering and/or monitoring students
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Freemake Video Converter - Ellora Assets Corporation
K to 12tag(s): images (487), slides (103), conversions (51), movies (112), video (457), multimedia (101),
In the Classroom
Share with students for use with any multimedia or presentation project. Use this tool to backup videos on your YouTube channel. Bookmark and save this video converter for use as an alternative to Online-Convert, reviewed here. This tool and Online-Convert are both used to download and save videos at home that you wish to show to students, especially if they are blocked at school. If you want to use the video at school, you may need to save the conversion to a USB stick, if a CD drive isn't available.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Watchkin - Alan Cheney
K to 12tag(s): internet safety (210), video (457),
In the Classroom
How often do you find great clips and video shorts from YouTube and you cannot show them or are afraid to show them even if you can get them through the school filter? Try using this to show clips or long videos to your class via an interactive whiteboard or projector.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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VideoLink - Safe YouTube Videos - Wessam El Mahdy
K to 12tag(s): classroom management (238), video (457), internet safety (210), adhd (50), Special Needs (66),
In the Classroom
Share "distraction-free" videos on an interactive whiteboard or projector. Removing distractions and having confidence in removing any offensive content makes for a better learning experience. Use this tool to limit distractions for your ADD/ADHD, Autistic, unfocused Gifted, and other special needs students. Less distraction = better learning experience for all.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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GIF YouTube - GIFYouTube
K to 12In the Classroom
Create an animated GIF to get student's attention! A cat reading a book is one way to begin reading time! Show any science concept such as development of an organism, cell division, a chemical reaction, formation of stars, a bullet in slow motion, or anything a student should look at several times to see every aspect of the event. Do you want to reveal portions of a video outlining the travels of historic expeditions, addition of the states to the US, or any other historical event captured in video? Use a looping animated GIF! Every subject could use one of these GIFs to generate an interest in a class activity or new content.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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edpuzzle - edpuzzle
K to 12tag(s): blended learning (38), remote learning (75), DAT device agnostic tool (248), communication (166), questioning (51), video (457), assessment (239),
In the Classroom
Create short review videos or use your own narration with chosen videos to create flipped or blended lessons for your students. Is your school embracing remote learning? This is the perfect tool! Consider the power of students using Edpuzzle to annotate videos to explain the material in their own words. You or your students can use the tool to create and narrate "how-to" videos. Annotate by highlighting the significant features of videos through the creation of voice comments. Students can also create questions to play with each video. Be sure students create a script to read from before beginning their chosen video.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Shotclip (Beta) - Shotclip.com
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): digital storytelling (300), movies (112), video (457), images (487),
In the Classroom
Demonstrate this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. In lower grades, make videos together as a class. Have students create short book reviews for classmates, explain a math concept or procedure, provide a short overview of a class field trip, or demonstrate a quick science experiment. Create a video montage of images taken in the classroom. Use to show a process, explain an experiment, discuss data collected, create club or class movies about happenings throughout the year, and much more. Use this tool as a creative and easy alternative to boring slideshow presentations. Introduce the major points of a topic through images and added text. Use this site to make commercials, science fair previews, and animated shorts in any content area. Have students make "advertisements" for an organism or a literary character. Make a travel commercial for a country being studied or for cultural sites in a world language class. Be sure to share the presentations on your projector or interactive whiteboard.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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